Timotheos Vlachopoulos

Timotheos Vlachopoulos

Audit and Assurance Partner

He is a Certified Public Accountant and has audit experience of 23 consecutive years. He is a graduate of the School of Economics & Business of Teesside University, holds a Master’s degree from the School of Economics & Finanace of Leeds University, holds a Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the Association of International Accountants (A.I.A.). He is a graduate of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

He was a member of a multinational audit firm for many years. As a Certified Public Accountant he has carry out audits of organizations, such as  banking Institutions, industrial enterprises, hotel units, real estate companies, as well as companies listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. He has experience in audits of companies applying IFRS, and has extensive experience and specialized knowledge in tax matters.

He has significant experience in audits for the establishment of private investment aid schemes for the regional and economic development of Greece. He has also been involved in special audits for the purposes of company mergers, company acquisitions, listing on the stock exchange, etc.

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